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How to Add an Order Tracking Page to Your Shopify Store

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Running a Shopify store efficiently involves offering great products and ensuring customers have a seamless shopping experience. One key component of this experience is the ability for customers to track their orders. Adding an order tracking page to your Shopify store can significantly enhance customer satisfaction and reduce the number of inquiries about order statuses.

This guide will walk you through the steps to add an order tracking page to your store.

Let’s explore the reasons why having an order tracking page is beneficial:

  1. Improves Customer Experience: Customers can check the status of their orders anytime.
  2. Reduces Customer Service Queries: A tracking page can significantly decrease the number of “Where is my order?” inquiries.
  3. Builds Trust: Transparency in the shipping process helps build customer trust.
  4. Encourages Repeat Purchases: A smooth post-purchase experience can encourage customers to return for future purchases.

Steps to Add an Order Tracking Page to Your Shopify Store

Step 1: Choose a Tracking Solution

There are many ways to implement order tracking in your store—here are a few popular methods:

  • Shopify’s Native Order Tracking: Shopify provides an essential order tracking feature that customers can access through their order confirmation email.
  • Third-Party Apps: Apps like AfterShip, Tracktor, and ParcelPanel offer more advanced tracking capabilities and customization options.

Step 2: Install a Third-Party Tracking App (Optional)

If you opt for a third-party app, follow these steps to install it:

  1. Go to the Shopify App Store.
  2. Select and install an app.
  3. Configure the app.

Step 3: Create a New Page for Order Tracking

Whether you use Shopify’s native features or a third-party app, you must create a dedicated tracking page on your store. Here’s how you can do it:

    1. Log in to Your Shopify Admin
    2. Create a New Page:
      • Navigate to Online Store > Pages.
      • Click on the Add page.
    3. Add Content to the Page:
      • Title the page (e.g., “Track Your Order”).
      • If using a third-party app, follow their instructions to embed their tracking widget. This usually involves copying and pasting an HTML snippet or using a Shopify Liquid code.

For example, with AfterShip, you might embed a tracking form like this:

<div id=”aftership-tracking”></div>

<script type= “text/javascript”>

 (function (a, f, c, e, b) {

 var d = {

 “_aftership”: {

 “app_key”: “YOUR_APP_KEY”



 var g = f.createElement(c);

 g.type = “text/javascript”;

 g.async = true;

 g.src = e + “/aftership.js”;

 var h = f.getElementsByTagName(c)[0];

 h.parentNode.insertBefore(g, h);

 a[“aftership”] = b

 })(window, document, “script”, “”, “aftership”);


    1. Customize the Page Content:
      • Add any additional information or instructions for your customers.
      • Please briefly explain how to use the tracking tool and what information they will see.
    2. Publish the Page:
      • Click Save to publish your new tracking page.

Step 4: Link the Tracking Page in Your Store

To ensure your customers can easily find the tracking page, add a link to it in your store’s navigation menu and other relevant places:

    1. Add to Main Navigation:
      • Go to Online Store > Navigation.
      • Select the menu where you want to add the link (e.g., Main Menu).
      • Click on the Add menu item.
      • Name the menu item (e.g., “Order Tracking”) and link it to your created tracking page.
      • Click Add and then Save menu.
      • Repeat the above steps to add the link to other navigation menus, such as the footer.

Step 5: Test the Tracking Page

Before announcing the new feature to your customers, ensure everything works correctly:

    1. Place a test order.
    2. Use the tracking page: Go to the tracking page and enter the tracking number to verify that it correctly displays the order status.

Step 6: Inform Your Customers

Once you have verified that the tracking page works correctly, inform your customers about this new feature:

    1. Email Notification: Email your subscribers to announce the new order tracking feature.
    2. Social Media: Post about it on your social media channels.
    3. Banner or Announcement Bar: Use a banner or announcement bar on your website to highlight the new tracking feature.


Adding an order tracking page to your Shopify store is crucial in enhancing customer satisfaction and reducing the burden on your customer service team. Following the steps outlined above, you can quickly implement a tracking solution that fits your store’s needs. Whether you use Shopify’s native features or a third-party app, providing this transparency will help build trust and encourage repeat business from your customers. Remember, support is always available to assist you with any difficulties. Happy selling!

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